Member Spotlight: Corissa Grayson, AIST Alabama AmeriCorps Program

Meet Corissa Grayson, AIST Member, currently serving with the Greenville Elementary School, a service site of the AmeriCorps Instructional Support Team AmeriCorps program.
1. What motivated you to join AmeriCorps?
I dedicated myself to serving a second year because it was rewarding being a part of the change, I saw in my community last year. Seeing the looks on their faces once individuals mastered a new skill or gained a new understanding is priceless.
2. What would you like to get out of this service opportunity?
I want to gain more hands-on training, new challenges, new achievements, and success.
3. What will your service focus on for the 2021-2022 program year?
My service will focus on engaging students in one-one and group instructional assistance. Also, I will increase phonic awareness, accuracy, and fluency to translate text.
4. What are your plans after AmeriCorps?
After AmeriCorps, my goal is to become a registered nurse and become either a traveling RN or a school nurse.
Thank you for your service Corissa!