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To help survivors of recent disasters donate to the Governor's Emergency Relief Fund
Alabama Governor's Office of Volunteer Services

September 2024

Register your House of Worship or Organization as a ReadySunday Participant
As part of the ReadyAlabama campaign, the State of Alabama encourages organizations of all faiths to participate in ReadySunday on any Sunday in September 2024. ReadySunday is a collaborative effort geared to encourage Alabama's faith and community-based congregations and families to take simple steps to prepare for emergencies.
The first step in disaster preparedness is to be informed and have a plan of what to do in case of a disaster. Fostering awareness about potential hazards and having a plan set in place can save time, resources, money, and most importantly lives.
We are encouraging participants to:
Register as a ReadySunday participant here. Let us know you will join in the effort to encourage your members, their families and community partners to prepare for emergencies.
Promote ReadySunday and the importance of preparedness:
Update your emergency plan using these resources as a guide:
FEMA - Guide for Developing High-Quality Emergency Operations Plans for Houses of Worship
Alabama Baptist Church Preparedness for Disaster Relief
Alabama-West Florida Conference United Methodist Church Resources
Lutheran Disaster Response Congregational Disaster Preparedness Guidebook
A Disaster Preparedness Manual for Churches in partnership with the United Church of Christ and the Insurance Board
ALICE Active Shooter Civilian Response Training for Houses of Worship
Offer family emergency plans found here.
Check Your Insurance Coverage. Insurance is the first line of defense in a disaster. Review existing insurance policies and ensure the amount and extent are adequate to cover losses from any possible hazard.
Review insurance coverage for natural disasters, such as hazard, flood, hurricane, tornado, fire, and earthquake.
Alabama Department of Insurance - Important Document Tips
FEMA Resources:
Document and Insure Your Property Guide
Insurance Discussion Coverage Form - Inadequate insurance coverage can lead to a major financial loss if your business or organization is damaged, or operations are interrupted for a period of time.
Visit and and follow on social media for preparedness tips.
Visit the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, Center for Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships (DHS Center) for additional resources. This office fosters partnerships between government and faith-based organizations (FBOs) to increase the nation’s resilience by creating trust and developing relationships.
Complete Organizations Preparing for Emergency Needs (OPEN), a web-based self-guided training that includes a downloadable instructor kit that will guide participants to identify risks, locate resources and take preparedness actions. Take the training at
Become connected with Alabama Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster (ALVOAD). Faith and community-based organizations play an integral role during disasters in our community. Through the collaboration of faith and community-based organizations and government agencies, we can work together to educate and empower our communities to prepare before disasters strike. Contact our agency to learn more about ALVOAD, visit or email
We know the next emergency is coming. We just don’t know when or what kind it will be, but we can prepare for it now. Our family, friends, houses of worship, and community depend on it, and ReadySunday provides a compelling reminder to get prepared today!
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