Member Spotlight: Taylor Harris, ANFRC AmeriCorps member

Meet Taylor Harris, serving with the Alabama Network of Family Resource Centers AmeriCorps program at the Sylacauga Alliance for Family Enhancement.
What motivated you to join AmeriCorps? What motivated me to join AmeriCorps is I grew up in one of the programs and they made an impact on my life.
What would you like to get out of this service opportunity? I would like to get better team working skills and better communication skills. I also hope to come out with a better attitude.
What will your service focus on for the 2017-18 program year? Helping kids after school. Also with trying to help those who do not have any attention at home with their attitudes.
What are your plans after AmeriCorps? My plans after AmeriCorps are to finish going to business school. When I get done with school I would like to open my own business one day.
Thank you for your service Taylor !