Site Spotlight: Birmingham Regional Empowerment and Development Center (BREAD)

How many members are serving at this site?
We have two members-Kayla Jackson and Jasimine Montgomery serving at BREAD.
What is your organizations goal at this site?
The goal is to equip and empower students and their families for success while instilling and inspiring all participants with courage, confidence and character.
What is something exciting that has happened at this site?
The AmeriCorps members joined our staff this summer for small group and one-on-one academic intervention in our summer program. The AmeriCorps members makes it possible to ensure continuity, throughout the summer, by providing intervention services to struggling students, which will help eliminate the summer slide. Additionally, the AmeriCorps members are a vital part of our programming because students relate to them like older siblings rather than teachers and peer to peer tutoring sessions have been proven to be one of the most effective methods of working with students.