To help survivors of recent disasters donate to the Governor's Emergency Relief Fund
Alabama Governor's Office of Volunteer Services
Volunteering In Alabama
Get to Know Us
In 2021, more than 1.6 million Alabamians volunteered through an organization and helped their neighbors. This has an estimated an economic value of more that $1.4 Billion!!! Thank you to all those who volunteer!
762,578 formal volunteers contributed 51.8 million hours of service through organizations worth an estimated $1.4 billion
19.5% of residents formally volunteered through organizations
97.9% of residents talked to or spent time with friends or family
46.4% of residents informally helped others by exchanging favors with their neighbors
68.8% of residents had a conversation or spent time with their neighbors
18.4% of residents belonged to an organization
40.1% of residents donate $25 or more to charity
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Volunteer Opportunities
Our volunteer management system helps connect Alabama volunteers to opportunities in their local community. Use the search filters to find opportunities you care about.
Resources for Organizations
Organizations across the state are encouraged to share volunteer opportunities through our free volunteer management system. We use Galaxy Digital platform, to offer a statewide system that provides robust tools for volunteer administrators to promote opportunities and manage volunteers. We also provide free resources to recognize outstanding volunteers.
Resources for Disaster Volunteer Organizations
Disaster Response - Volunteer & Donation Opportunities
For every dollar FEMA spends on public assistance, the state is required to contribute a non-federal cost share. This can cost state and local governments tens of millions of tax dollars in times of disaster. However, the value of volunteer hours and donated goods can be applied as a non-federal cost share, thereby saving state and local tax dollars. The value of volunteer hours and donated goods must be properly documented to qualify. Please visit the Governor's Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness resource pages for detailed information.
Communities depend heavily on local and national volunteer organizations to provide trained volunteers and much-needed donated supplies during disaster response. Get involved today by donating to or volunteering with a reputable organization. Volunteers greatly increase a community's ability to respond and assist families vulnerable to disaster.
If you’d like more information about our features, get in touch today.