Member Spotlight: Arielle Odom, Mobile Baykeeper AmeriCorps Program.

Meet Arielle Odom, currently serving with Mobile Baykeeper, an environmental non-profit of the AmeriCorps State & National AmeriCorps program.
1. What will your service focus on this year?
My service will focus on raising awareness about our local waterways amongst young people in primary education. This will be done through presentations about both the mission and activities of Mobile Baykeeper and Alabama Water Watch sampling.
2. What inspired you to serve as an AmeriCorps member?
I was inspired by the service. I saw friends who were AmeriCorps members and saw the service they were doing for our community. It inspired me to want to use my skills and education to do the same.
3. What advice would you give someone interested in serving with your AmeriCorps State program?
Don't be afraid to put yourself out there! Get to know the people you are serving with. AmeriCorps is a great way to make connections.
Thank you for your service Arielle!